Services Provided
Dedicating his career to informing, supporting, and advancing the effective exercise of tribal sovereignty and self-determination, Ian Record has worked with more than 100 Tribal Nations and First Nations in the United States and Canada over the past two decades, helping them to strengthen their governance systems and design and implement strategic initiatives that advance their long-term economic and community development priorities. He also has worked with a number of Native organizations and Indian Country partners to develop and implement projects designed to enhance tribal self-governance, capacity building, small business development, and asset building in tribal communities. The services that Ian provides include:
strategic plan development and implementation;
tribal governance and policy analysis (notably governance/constitutional reform, and citizenship/enrollment policy and criteria);
"477" workforce development plan and program development;
executive education on governance, economic development, and workforce development for tribal/organizational leaders;
cutting-edge research documenting and sharing trends and best practices in tribal governance and development;
federal and state policy analysis and advocacy; and
designing, writing, and editing speeches, research publications, policy briefs, and other materials.
Dr. Ian Record is a consultant with extensive expertise in tribal governance, economic and workforce development, constitutional reform, federal Indian policy, and related areas.
From 2014 to 2021, he served as Vice President of Tribal Governance and Special Projects at the National Congress of American Indians. In this capacity, he led NCAI’s efforts to develop, coordinate, and share the knowledge, tools, and resources that Tribal Nations and leaders need to strengthen their governance systems and more effectively exercise their sovereignty. He also served as a policy lead on tribal workforce and economic development, and oversaw several NCAI projects, including its Ending “Indian” Mascots Initiative, Tribal Climate Action Initiative, Tribal Food Sovereignty Advancement Initiative, and Building Tribal Economies Initiative.
From 2004 to 2014, Record served as Manager of Educational Resources for the Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI) at the University of Arizona. Dr. Record obtained his Ph.D. in American Indian Studies from the University of Arizona. Among his many publications is his award-winning book Big Sycamore Stands Alone: The Western Apaches, Aravaipa, and the Struggle for Place.
To learn more about Ian, please read his CV here. To read an interview with Ian about tribal workforce development, please click here.
Sample Lectures and Executive Education Highlights (videos):

Clients served include:
Blue Lake Rancheria
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
Change Labs
Forest County Potawatomi
Funders Together to End Homelessness
GRID Alternatives
Humboldt Area Foundation
Inter Tribal Council of Arizona
Inter Tribal Council of Arizona Epidemiology Center
Johnson Scholarship Foundation
MLTC Industrial Investments LP
National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development
National Congress of American Indians
National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference
National Indian Health Board
Native CDFI Network
Oneida Nation
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Sioux Valley Dakota Nation
South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency
Squaxin Island Tribe
Workforce Matters
Wild Rivers Community Foundation
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo
Below are selected publications by Ian Record. For a full list, please click here.
The Biden Administration righted a tribal workforce development wrong (Indian Country Today)
Big Sycamore Stands Alone: The Western Apaches, Aravaipa, and the Struggle for Place (Winner, Southwest Book Award, 2009)
Toolkits and Case Studies:
Tribal Governance Innovation Spotlight (Food Sovereignty): San Carlos Apache Tribe
Tribal Governance Innovation Spotlight (Workforce Development): Coeur d’Alene Tribe
Papers and Policy Briefs:
Videos and Documentary Films:

Please email Ian Record at recordi1971@gmail.com or fill out the following form: